
June 5, 2012



     Barcelona International College (BIC) was nice enough to take 12 of us to a small Roman built village called Tarragona. This adventure started with a 9am departure on friday morning after a pretty thirsty thursday for some. I however, made the executive decision to get some rest the night before in preparation for what turned out to be a really cool day. Check it out after the jump.

     Built around 25 BC, Tarragona is a small Roman village overlooking a beautiful beach. 12 students rallied on the trip, others were too hungover. Lamo. Anyways, we left at 9am and drove about 100 kilometers south of Barcelona. Turns out The Roman ruins of Tarragona have been designated the World Heritage Center by UNESCO. Tarragona was once a popular place for Roman chariot racing as well. We found ourselves on the north east coast of Spain exploring a village that turned out to be pretty cool. Scope some pics:


 Inside one of the restored parts of the old building. Way cool.

A view from outside the amphitheater. Epic chariot races used to take place here. 7 laps. Life or death. Ride or die.

After eating lunch nearby we took a stroll through modern Tarragona. On our way to the beach we found a structure of a human pyramid which in real life can reach over six stories high! Yikes.

My buddy Alex and I hangin beach side. Not a bad friday afternoon...

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