
June 5, 2012

Fuente Mágica

     Every sunday evening in Barcelona, there is an impressive fountain located in front of Museu Nacional D'Art De Catalunya. This fountain has been known to put on a pretty good show. I happened to be near the venue of the magic fountain but it didn't start until 9pm. I took a little adventure of my own to kill and hour or two... Jump it. #waterpressure

View from below the museum. Impressive.

The summit. Museum was closed that day otherwise I would have taken some lovely pictures of the artwork, sorry mom. 

 I wandered to the streets behind the venue and came across an intriguing trial leading to an unknown destination. So I looked twice, that's right twice, and proceeded to jump the rock wall only to find another really cool trail

My adrenaline spiked as I came across this cliff. Prime spot to sit and reflect though... :)

I was so far off the beaten path I almost fell into a pretty hectic hole 

 Turned out to be a pretty nice crib. #MTV

Got a little distracted there as you can see. After quickly getting out of wherever I was, I headed back towards the museum just in time to catch the magic fountain show. This is a picture of the museum while walking. Nice back side eh??

And finally at 9pm exactly, both music and water was blasting in sync. Holy old faithful!

Got over it after a while and started to head back down towards the metro. One last shot before getting caught in some rain en route to el metro... 


  1. The pictures of the fountain are amazing! And your hashtags are spot on... Envious of your travels but #happy I get to experience them through your wonderful blog!! TT from CA, literally.

  2. Nice shots bro! I fucking miss that city!
