
June 2, 2012

Pronto Parada en London y Mas Tarde Barcelona

     Indeed I made it on the flight with a few minutes to spare as I was ready to jump the puddle. American Airlines took me from Boston Logan and dropped me in London. Like I said before I sleep easily almost anywhere I get the chance but for some reason I thought it'd be a good idea to take one Tylenol PM (Boston to London) to knock me out for sure. It did the trick. The only problem occurred when the stinky old lady sitting next to me had to physically shake me awake before landing. If you know me I'm not the happiest person shortly after awaking, needless to say I was not a happy camper. It was as if her and the bitchy stewardess were on a team to ruin Hap's slumber. 

    Anyways, I arrived in London and had to wait a quick five and a half hours before taking off towards Barcelona. Once again a hapnap was in order. Finally... I got on my final flight landing in Barcelona around 5:30pm. It was quite the experience once I stepped off the plane and realized I was going to live in a foreign country for a month by myself. I told myself it was time to sack up and start speaking whatever spanish I knew. I proceeded to struggle through a couple conversations about where Barcelona is this hotel and what bus should I take. After I was pointed in the right direction I jumped on a bus and was on a roll. Made it to my hotel after a long painful walk of shame looking like a tourist, speaking like a Torrey Pines grad, acting like an adolescent and smelling like shit, ew. 

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