
June 8, 2012

Mesa de Ping-Pong

    Who knew that table tennis, or ping-pong, was such a popular hobby among Catalunya locals. As I have been wandering around the city I thought I'd take a few photos at how convenient and awesome it is to get your pong on. I still have yet to get a game in with some locals but the locations and tables to play on are pretty epic. There is also a west coast vs. spanish ping pong table standoff after the jump:

     I continuously find myself lost and lonely on the streets of Barcelona and all of a sudden I walk up to enticing  looking pong tables and can't help but feel at home. Ping pong is one of my numerous hobbies and it was great to see public tables for anyone to play on. I feel as if the US should have figured this out by now--Barcelona and of course China are way ahead of the game. 

    I walked up to these guys after taking a creep action shot and tried to ask them in spanish if I could play winner. After getting a response in a language that sounded nothing like spanish or catalan I resorted to hand gestures to get me through this one. After a round or two of charades took place they thought I was trying to sell them something or steal their belongings so they proceeded to raise their foreign voices and told me to get lost. 

     Below is a picture of a ping pong table located in lovely Santa Barbara, CA. Among all the interesting things that take place on Del Playa it's hard to imagine that people spend any time playing table tennis in the sun. Everything tends to be more fun in CA anyways but who knows. . . There will most likely be more references to Santa Barbara throughout my blog so stay tuned. The question here is which pong venue do you like more? SB or Barca? Feel free to comment below.


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