
June 27, 2012

Costa Brava Day 3: Girona and Montserrat


      After a brutal wake up early sunday morning, all 45 of us stumbled on to the bus and fell asleep for an hour before rolling into Girona. Orignially inhabited by Iberians, this old town was a popular spot during the Spanish Civil War. They built their town surrounding an enormous cathedral that people used as security... and prayer of course. Montserrat was also on the itinerary for sunday which was an epic mountain surround by rock walls and steep inclines. Perfect place to get lost and do some exploring. Check out part three of Costa Brava after the Jump:

      Only two out of the three tour guide spoke english and there were too many people in each so I volunteered to take the spanish speaking walking tour. Needless to say I didn't learn much about the history of Girona however I attempted to use my spanish quite a bit this day in order to survive the guided tour. We spent a few hours in Girona and found some pretty cool spots

      Our next spot was Montserrat. Our bus had some trouble climbing such a steep mountain road but we made it to base camp and were given free time to adventure on our own. 

      Pretty high up! There is a hike you can do that takes 2-3 hours which takes you to the summit. I was up for it after a nice siesta on the bus ride there but with a lack of time we only went so far up.

     As you can see this would be a good place for rock climbers. I don't know if you can see it in these photos but I spotted some lea climbers taking down a beast of a route. "On belay, belay on. Climbing, climb on!"   

      That's a wrap. Costa Brava was a great trip and I am glad I was able to see such amazing places with a jam packed itinerary. Thanks to all the staff for making this happen and putting up with our nonsense. Great time!

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