

     ¡Hola y Bienvenidos! I will begin by letting you all know I am new to the blogging world. This is my first post ever and I am proud of it. I have stumbled upon many blogs and have even made a guest appearance on one (redhotbuffs) but I am no expert so please forgive me in advance. For the record, I am not a professional scholar or enlightened philosoph either and will most likely have numerous* typos along the way. Also, I do like the word "numerous" so prepare yourself. Anyways, my goal with this silly blog is to update and inform anyone who is interested in my life while I am living in Spain for the month of June. I will aim for my posts to be fun, exciting, interesting, wild, crazy, happy, heartfelt, and hopefully sober. I promise you that every photo on this blog will be taken by yours truly unless otherwise stated. Like the one below-notmine. I will also be adding hash tags to the end of every paragraph. Basically trying to sum up the theme of each piece of creative writing. I happen to have a twitter account too. Check it out. If you have any suggestions for me please express yourself in the comments. Be nice. For all of those who don't know, I do not have a facebook. There are many reasons why but lets not get into them. I simply want to include family and friends on what I have been up to while living in Spain. Therefore I created a blog, a place where people can go if they WANT to see what I have been up to, no timeline nonsense here. Keep in mind this is no blog for little kids. This is Hap Knowles. Living in Barcelona. The real deal. Viewer discretion is advised...

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