
June 29, 2012

Shred Stick Chronicles: Final Chap

     For the final chapter of shred stick chronicles, I located a spot called Forum Double Flatbar Heaven where the forum brick waves are also found. I gained access to this spot via an underground skating map of Barcelona. After mixed communication and determined research I found a hidden itinerary of almost all the secret skate spots around town. Check it out. In order to gain access to the Forum Brick Waves (to shred at least) you must go at an early hour when the water is glassy and traffic is at a minimum. I am indeed telling you there is a perfectly sloped hill with wave shaped walls and gorgeous views to eat breakfast next to. Yeah!

     My lovely morning started with a cafe con leche and croissant while reflecting over a good looking view. Lets keep in mind I do go to school at 9am every morning and I wanted to get serious ample shred time in this morning so I got a good nights rest and woke up at 5am to start this happy adventure

     Up next was a nice cruise through the forum to find some chronicles. Among coffee, chocolate, fresh air and other morning activities, the shred session only got better. Can you believe this on water location actually exists? What else could this masterpiece be made for other than rolling at high rates of speed?

     Forum Double Flatbar Heaven: Not really my cup of tea with the board I brought however it was eye appealing and lots of fun to let my imagination wander into a world of shredding. Not gonna lie, most of this morning involved taking breaks while letting the ocean calm myself. I do get a little excited after skating a fun line to a song of choice. 

     Check this out - At the bottom of the "Forum Brick Waves" there is a cable tow park. It was still well before 8am so I don't know much about operating this playground but for a shredder like me this was the ultimate playground. Make me think of my best bud Ryan who absolutely kills it on the wakeskate - check him out below

What a stud. Major props on him traveling to Singapore for the upcoming semester as well, hopefully we will see some shred action from Ryan himself. Anyways, after tearing down the forum I took the metro back towards city center but decided to take a little detour and hit a local spot on the way. It was nice to have the park all to myself at such an early hour.

To round out this perfect morning I threw on my birthday suit and jumped in the water. Who would of thought you can have an epic skate session with no one in sight and also a private beach to relax at. 


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