
June 18, 2012

Camp Nou

     Camp Nou - The home playing field of FC Barcelona. I made a morning trip to see the stadium and tour the very impressive museum located beneath. Camp Nou is the largest stadium in Europe holding 98,772 fans and is considered the 11th largest in the world. After seeing it empty and still impressed, I can't imagine what a sold out night game against Real Madrid would be like. With some strategic planning I arrived on a weekday just after opening and basically had the place to myself. On top of that delightful news I used my old Colorado student ID to get the student discount rate.


     The museum had just about anything you needed to feel like you were good friends with the entire team. From construction blue prints to personal bios this museum went above and beyond. It looks like FC Barca has won quite a few games. How many trophies do you really need? Next to the trophies were touch screen tables full of information. I had a lot of fun clicking the "most important goals of all time" tab. I eventually got bored reading misc. information and eagerly awaited the looks of Messi's home turf.


 On my way to the field, I stopped by this room to see what was happening. Impressive use of projection made the experience for me. Once again touch screens at the front and viewing pleasure in the back, nice. 

     Finally made it to the field. They had a great simulation going where it feels like the stadium is packed, lights are lit, stage is set, and it was time to take the field. Got me a little pumped up not going to lie. It was amazing to think some of the best 

     The stadium costed 288 million pesetas to build. Pesetas were the currency in Spain between 1869 and 2002. Who knows, they might have been better of without switching to the Euro. Good luck Europe.

     I took a walk up to the press box. As I walked in there were surround sound speakers of what it was like to sit in there during a real game. It was hectic but felt like I was there. 

    Yes, I did have a foreign couple take my picture all alone so you could see my beautiful face. It took a few minutes for them to grasp the concept that the home button was in fact not the take picture button. Patience. Overall a great time! 

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