
August 12, 2012


     I apologize for the late post but I figured I'd conclude this lovely blog of living in Barcelona with an inside look of my last week there; starting with my trip to Ibiza-a small island off the east coast of Spain. Some may say Ibiza is a place to relax, others say they throw good parties. I took advantage on both sides of the spectrum. Figured I'd post some pictures (slash video) and let your imaginations write the script:
    A huge group of students from all over the world were brought together by Stoke Travel and taken on a 10 hour ferry to the small island of Ibiza. We spent a couple hours at the beach once we got there and geared up for a night at Pacha-one of many well known clubs in Ibiza. I took a couple videos of Alesso himself but am having trouble uploading them. Promises* was a good remix and so was Titanium. Stay tuned.

     The travel group I went with got tickets to night clubs Pacha and Privilege two nights we were there so my friends and I took it upon ourselves to check out the scene. After seeing Alesso play a live DJ set at Pacha on friday and an "elrow" theme at Privilege on saturday we were all pretty tired. All these pictures are from Privilege--who really knows how to throw a good party. Keep in mind this is Ibiza Ibiza throwing an interesting themed party inside what's supposed to be a high end night club:

June 29, 2012

Shred Stick Chronicles: Final Chap

     For the final chapter of shred stick chronicles, I located a spot called Forum Double Flatbar Heaven where the forum brick waves are also found. I gained access to this spot via an underground skating map of Barcelona. After mixed communication and determined research I found a hidden itinerary of almost all the secret skate spots around town. Check it out. In order to gain access to the Forum Brick Waves (to shred at least) you must go at an early hour when the water is glassy and traffic is at a minimum. I am indeed telling you there is a perfectly sloped hill with wave shaped walls and gorgeous views to eat breakfast next to. Yeah!

June 27, 2012

Costa Brava Day 1: Figueres and Besalú


     Barcelona International College plans and sponsors one weekend trip for all their students. We were lucky enough to travel to Costa Brava. Roughly 45 students and 5 faculty members were in attendance on this excursion. Costa Brava is the northeastern coast of Spain, full of beach towns and old pueblos. This place became popular in the 50's and is now a booming tourist location full of clean beaches, fun nightlife, clear water, and full of numerous activities! Check out my action packed weekend in a three part post. PS sorry for lagging but this trip happened over a week ago and have yet to put it up. Well worth the wait, I think. Jumper:

Costa Brava Day 2: Palamós

     After our group was done romping around Besalú, we drove about an hour and a half to a beach town called Palamós. Palamós is beautifully located at the northern end of a large bay. Our director, Big Rich, had some connections with the owners of a sweet beach side hotel. This place sums up Costa Brava in a few short photos. Some of our activities included hiking, swimming, kayaking, cliff jumping, beach soccer, cooking, shopping, eating, drinking, and sleeping. Almost all in that order too. Check out some eye candy in this photo packed post.

Costa Brava Day 3: Girona and Montserrat


      After a brutal wake up early sunday morning, all 45 of us stumbled on to the bus and fell asleep for an hour before rolling into Girona. Orignially inhabited by Iberians, this old town was a popular spot during the Spanish Civil War. They built their town surrounding an enormous cathedral that people used as security... and prayer of course. Montserrat was also on the itinerary for sunday which was an epic mountain surround by rock walls and steep inclines. Perfect place to get lost and do some exploring. Check out part three of Costa Brava after the Jump:


     Did I mention I saw a DJ named Chuckie play an epic set at a music festival? He played on the last day (pretty late) at the same time as some other very popular Barca DJ so my friends and I were front row lovin' it. A few of us were even lucky enough to meet this guy... 

June 19, 2012



     Last thursday was the first of a three day music festival called Sónar. Located in the heart of Barcelona and streaming live day and night. This festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art went all weekend long but I had other plans to travel so my two buddies and I bought day tickets for Thursday and decided to check out this fiasco. Scope out a brief overview after the jump.

June 18, 2012

Camp Nou

     Camp Nou - The home playing field of FC Barcelona. I made a morning trip to see the stadium and tour the very impressive museum located beneath. Camp Nou is the largest stadium in Europe holding 98,772 fans and is considered the 11th largest in the world. After seeing it empty and still impressed, I can't imagine what a sold out night game against Real Madrid would be like. With some strategic planning I arrived on a weekday just after opening and basically had the place to myself. On top of that delightful news I used my old Colorado student ID to get the student discount rate.


June 13, 2012

Solamente en Madrid

     This past weekend I had an open weekend to do whatever I'd like. I told myself I wanted to travel somewhere but I didn't quite know where. Many students went to Budapest, few went to Paris, and only a couple went to Amsterdam. I chose Madrid. Turns out one of my best friends has been doing a study abroad program for six months and was still living there, or so I thought. Just my luck two days before I boarded my plane to Madrid, Sean emailed me back informing me of another trip he was doing that weekend in another European country. My flight was booked, bag was packed and I was ready to make the most of it. Check out more of my epic adventure after the jump:

June 8, 2012

Shred Stick Chronicles: Part II


     Part two of the Shred Stick Chronicles brings you a new and improved set of shred spots I found in Barcelona. More advanced terrain and eye appealing locations. This is no place for amateurs. All photos you see here are real life, even the last one. Don't forget I have a few different identities, California kid just wanting to shred is most definitely one of them. Don't hate. Once again I want to thank my parents for persuading me to bring my shred stick to Spain, I almost made a horrible decision not to.